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You can be a part of our mission!

Here is a unique opportunity to make a charitable donation that will touch the spiritual dimension in the lives of countless people...

It is only through ongoing substantial donations that we can continue this mission for the glory of God.  The donation program for the Rosary Apostolate, Inc. will also allow you to share in the spiritual benefits of our mission of evangelizing through prayer, children, youth, and families.

The Rosary Apostolate, Inc. is a recognized Incorporated Charity and therefore can issue to the donor a tax receipt for the donation given:

Our Charitable number: 80415 9226 RR0001
Canada Revenue Agency:

How to Donate?

  1. METHOD 1 - This unique structure gives the donor several ways to make a pledge (just one time, monthly and quarterly, yearly) .  All you need to do is fill out our pledge form.   Staple your cheque to it and mail or deliver it to the Head Office (address is above). Please note: using this method, tax receipts take 4 - 6 months to process.  Please make sure to give us your full legal name and your full mailing address on the pledge form.   You will receive it in the mail.  Download pledge form here.
  2. METHOD 2 - If you require an immediate tax receipt that you can print out, you can donate to the Rosary Apostolate, Inc. through .  Type "Rosary Apostolate, Inc." into the search bar and click donate.
  3. METHOD 3 - Give your donation in memory of departed loved one, on line or through the Funeral home.  You can donate to the Rosary Apostolate, Inc. through  MTGF issues official donation tax receipts by email to all donors at the time of the transaction. 


The Rosary Apostolate seeks to evangelize through prayer in various areas...

The Rosary Apostolate, Inc.

1208 Warden Ave.
Scarborough, ON
M1R 2R3